FRUITS AND VEGETABLES should be a mainstay of one's everyday diet.
"Jika anda makan 7 - 10 sajian buah-buahan setiap hari, anda mengurankan risiko SAKIT JANTUNG, STROK, HIPERTENSI, ASMA, BRONKITIS, ARTHRITIS dan KANSER hingga 30%"
Berapa SAJIAN buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran yang anda ambil hari ini? Semalam? Minggu lepas?
Why Don't Americans Eat More Fruit? (Am J Prev Med, March 2007)
* Incovenience / Masa
* Rasa / Persediaan
* Mahal
* Keselamatan / Kebersihan
Lebih daripada 300,000 Kajian Saintifik menyokong LEBIH pengambilan buah-buahan.
Take 5 to TEN FRUITS A Day
Eat a Variety of Coloful Fruits and Vegetables Every Day.
1) Adakah anda setuju semua manusia perlu makan sekurang-kurangnya 5 jenis buah-buahan setiap hari?
2) Adakah anda setuju 98% orang tidak makan 5 jenis buah setiap hari?
3) Adakah anda setuju kebanyakan buah yang ada di pasaran mengadungi pestisid, fungisid and lain-lain bahan kimia for you to commit suicide?
4) Adakah anda sayangkan anak-anak dengan membelikan anak anda makanan yang lazat-lazat tetapi sangat jarang individu peka terhadap diet si anak?
5) Adakah anda setuju jika kita tidak mengamalkan memakan buah dalam tempoh yang lama, maka kita akan berisiki tinggi untuk memdapat pelbagai penyakit seperti darah tinggi, jantung, kanser dll?
Saya mungkit ada penyelesaian untuk masalah ini. Adakan anda berminat untuk mengetahinya?
For your reading pleasure on health issue, you make check on:
Colon Cancer (J Nut, March 2007)
Breast Cancer (Nat Cancer Institute, March 2007)
Prostate Cancer (Cancer Research, Jan 2007)
All Cancers (Am Assoc Cancer Research, April 2007)
Heart Disease (Arch Int Med, Oct 2006)
Alzheimer's Disease (Neurology, March 2007)
Juice | Disease (Int J Food Sci Nut 2006)
Drink Just Four Ounces a Day
For Antioxidants Equal to A Dozen Servings of Fruits and Vegetables.
Crown Jewel being the acai berry
15-20 times greater antioxidant power than whole raspberries & blueberries*
Antioxidant power of 13 servings of common fruits and vegetables*
Boasts heart healthy levels of plant sterols (which studies suggest plan a key factor in lowering cholesterol)
Absorbs quickly
* Based on Freeze Dried Acai ORAC
For further enquiries, contact Andrew Young
or email
My Monavie Biz Blog
Friday, January 28, 2011
Why MonaVie
I'm reaching my retirement together with One Billion Baby-Boomers worldwide.
Based on research, I came to know that:
One Billion Baby-Boomers worldwide are reaching retirements and looking to spend money to live a healthier and active life. Baby boomers' high disposable income combined with their growing concerns about health are the foundation for the ongoing trend in the growth of the wellness industry. Boomers are just discovering the potential of the wellness industry to oreserve what they hold dearest: their YOUTH!
My GOAL before I reach retirement:-
I need the RIGHT Product;
I need the RIGHT Timing;
I need the RIGHT Company;
I need the RIGHT Compensation Plan.
I continue to search further and after listen to few 'gurus', I'm enlighten. Paul Zane Pilzer mentioned that "Business Potential will be Health Boom. The WELLNESS INDUSTRY will create 10 Million new Millionaires in the next 3 years.". This mean the Timing is NOW!
Another 'gurus' Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki also mentioned that THE WELLNESS INDUSTRY Will Exceed USD1 Trillion in 3 years! And looking at the world population, Asia is 2/3 of World Population. M.L.M (Multi Level Marketing) Networking will be Globalization. Again this mean, the RIGHT Product is WELLNESS (Health Base Product) via M.L.M Globalization.
After knowing the RIGHT Timing, the RIGHT Product, I continue to search for the RIGHT Company. There are Thousands of MLM Companies worldwide, so which is the RIGHT Product for me?
One day, I visit a friend and after talking and sharing our thoughts he pour me a juice. I like the taste and wanted to know more. He gave me some articles to read and some CD.
From his sharing, I continue to search about this product..... called MonaVie and I begining to discover that MonaVie:-
* Proven Track Record - USD2.0 Billion within 5 years (MonaVie founded in 2005);
* Management - CEO (Dallin Larsen) won Earnst & Young 2009 award;
* Globally, approximately 3000 people worldwide Joins MonaVie per day;
* Fastest growing Company in HISTORY (ALL TIMES);
* 50% of Top Earners in the Industry are from MonaVie;
* Product voted most populr fruit juice (;
* MonaVie treats Distributors (you and me) like Royalty;
* Revenue for Year 2009 exceeds $USD855 Million in Sales (1 Year);
* Top Inc. 500 Company of the Year 2009.
In addtion:
* MonaVie Ranked No. 1 in Food & Beverage (btw, MonaVie is food NOT drug!)
* MonaVie Ranked No. 31 in Top 100 Inc. 500/5000 Companies by Revenue
* MonaVie Ranked No. 14 in Top 100 Inc. 5000 Companies by Gross Dollar of Growth
Looking at MonaVie Compensation Plan, the New Generation Binary System which points is non-flushing that makes it easy achievable.
Here I meet the RIGHT Company!
MonaVie introduce me the 5 Star Opportunity, with THE RIGHT:
Thinking to myself, I have nothing to loss but everything to gain if I join MonaVie because of this reason:
1) No capital risk like the traditional business;
2) Inventory is provided when you join as member;
3) MonaVie spends Millions in product R&D - expertise;
4) No staff is required to starts this business.
Therefore, it doesn't really matter who you really are. No skills is needed, all you have to do is TALK (Share your expereince, after drinking the juice: DRINK IT * FEEL IT * SHARE IT). By doing this, the opportunity has created the most number of millionaires in the past decade.
If you are interested to learn more, call me at
+6012 3238884
or email me at
Based on research, I came to know that:
One Billion Baby-Boomers worldwide are reaching retirements and looking to spend money to live a healthier and active life. Baby boomers' high disposable income combined with their growing concerns about health are the foundation for the ongoing trend in the growth of the wellness industry. Boomers are just discovering the potential of the wellness industry to oreserve what they hold dearest: their YOUTH!
My GOAL before I reach retirement:-
I need the RIGHT Product;
I need the RIGHT Timing;
I need the RIGHT Company;
I need the RIGHT Compensation Plan.
I continue to search further and after listen to few 'gurus', I'm enlighten. Paul Zane Pilzer mentioned that "Business Potential will be Health Boom. The WELLNESS INDUSTRY will create 10 Million new Millionaires in the next 3 years.". This mean the Timing is NOW!
Another 'gurus' Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki also mentioned that THE WELLNESS INDUSTRY Will Exceed USD1 Trillion in 3 years! And looking at the world population, Asia is 2/3 of World Population. M.L.M (Multi Level Marketing) Networking will be Globalization. Again this mean, the RIGHT Product is WELLNESS (Health Base Product) via M.L.M Globalization.
After knowing the RIGHT Timing, the RIGHT Product, I continue to search for the RIGHT Company. There are Thousands of MLM Companies worldwide, so which is the RIGHT Product for me?
One day, I visit a friend and after talking and sharing our thoughts he pour me a juice. I like the taste and wanted to know more. He gave me some articles to read and some CD.
From his sharing, I continue to search about this product..... called MonaVie and I begining to discover that MonaVie:-
* Proven Track Record - USD2.0 Billion within 5 years (MonaVie founded in 2005);
* Management - CEO (Dallin Larsen) won Earnst & Young 2009 award;
* Globally, approximately 3000 people worldwide Joins MonaVie per day;
* Fastest growing Company in HISTORY (ALL TIMES);
* 50% of Top Earners in the Industry are from MonaVie;
* Product voted most populr fruit juice (;
* MonaVie treats Distributors (you and me) like Royalty;
* Revenue for Year 2009 exceeds $USD855 Million in Sales (1 Year);
* Top Inc. 500 Company of the Year 2009.
In addtion:
* MonaVie Ranked No. 1 in Food & Beverage (btw, MonaVie is food NOT drug!)
* MonaVie Ranked No. 31 in Top 100 Inc. 500/5000 Companies by Revenue
* MonaVie Ranked No. 14 in Top 100 Inc. 5000 Companies by Gross Dollar of Growth
Looking at MonaVie Compensation Plan, the New Generation Binary System which points is non-flushing that makes it easy achievable.
Here I meet the RIGHT Company!
MonaVie introduce me the 5 Star Opportunity, with THE RIGHT:
Thinking to myself, I have nothing to loss but everything to gain if I join MonaVie because of this reason:
1) No capital risk like the traditional business;
2) Inventory is provided when you join as member;
3) MonaVie spends Millions in product R&D - expertise;
4) No staff is required to starts this business.
Therefore, it doesn't really matter who you really are. No skills is needed, all you have to do is TALK (Share your expereince, after drinking the juice: DRINK IT * FEEL IT * SHARE IT). By doing this, the opportunity has created the most number of millionaires in the past decade.
If you are interested to learn more, call me at
+6012 3238884
or email me at
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
OPPORTUNITY OVERVIEW – The 21st Century Business
· Is it time that you want, or more time?
· Health or better health?
· An income, or a bigger income?
· Freedom, or greater freedom?
Whatever your goals are, MonaVie can help you achieve them.
MonaVie blends antioxidant nutritional power with an unparalleled opportunity that can allow you to capitalize on the surging health and wellness industry.
As a MonaVie independent distributor, you are an entrepreneur who, from day one, has a distinguished research and development team, a fantastic product that everyone can benefit from, a fully staffed sales and marketing team, and a friendly customer support staff dedicated to our success.
Begin achieving renewed health and financial well-being today by enjoying and sharing MonaVie with others.
For further details, contact:
Andrew Young (Distributor ID: 3185388)
Mobile: +6012-3238884
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